Violent Existence [viEx] is Recruiting.
Violent Existence [viEx]
Recently created by my friend, and myself on August 4th, 2008.
Current Roster : 2. Me and him
We are looking for active players who do either PvE, PvP, or even both.
The guild is a Kuzick Supporter.
We have our own vent server, and are currently designing a professional website with a .php based forum.
We are determined to go far, and are looking for those who are willing to go far as well.
Anyone is welcome, you just need to be dedicated to what you do, and be friendly.
No experience is required, just the will to learn.
If you are interested, my in game name is Jae Kae
and my partners name is Berkaderk Z Reaper
I hope to hear from some of you soon
-Jae Kae